Leo Monthly Horoscope


MONTH OF September

Time to get mindful, Leo! September is always one of your most practical and productive months as the Sun moves through Virgo and your stabilizing second house (until September 22). After a particularly #brat Leo season that brought lots of change and excitement, it’s time to settle into a more focused groove. Before you charge full steam ahead with your plans, though, the cosmos has a few tricks as back-to-school season begins!

The first half of the month is action-packed from the get-go. Uranus and Pluto both make retrograde moves, but also harmonize with each other in a rare and revolutionary 120-degree trine that could bring shifts to your work, health and money plans. There’s a Virgo new moon on September 2, and energizer Mars makes a sign change on September 4. From there, things (mostly) quiet down until September 17, when the Pisces full moon kicks off fall eclipse season. 

It all begins on September 1, when changemaker Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus, making a sharp and sudden U-turn in your tenth house of career. Fast-moving plans could take a new direction or stall unexpectedly. That same day, intense Pluto, which has been retrograde in Aquarius since May 2, dips back into Capricorn until November 19, visiting this sign for the last time in our lives. For you, Leo, Pluto will shift its focus from your relationship sector back into your sixth house of work and wellness. Silver lining: If a certain partnership has been colored by intensity, you may feel some relief. 

All month, Uranus and Pluto will join forces, forming a harmonious 120-degree trine that sets the stage for profound transformation—on a personal AND global level. These two cosmic giants last met up in a similar fashion in the early 1920s, ushering in radical social, economic and political change. Throw in a powerful midmonth partial lunar eclipse in Pisces (more on that shortly) and you’ve got yourself a dynamic cosmic setup that could breathe new life into your intimate relationships and resources (cha-ching!) moving forward. 

The message? It’s time to really lean in to YOUR vision for the future, Lion! This reminder can’t be overstated for your fixed (and sometimes headstrong or prideful) sign, especially in the final months of 2024. As confident as you are, Leo, you also have a people-pleasing side to you that longs for applause and recognition—at times hindering your ability to make decisions that align with your own needs. When you operate from a self-assured place and temper your inner critic, nobody can lead quite like you. 

This September 1, changemaker Uranus will turn retrograde (backward), making a five-month pivot through Taurus and your tenth house of career (until January 30, 2025). Your professional life continues a reinvention that began in 2018, when Uranus first swept into this ambitious domain of your chart. Your goals, public image and responsibilities may have shifted dramatically…or at least you’ve been feeling the rumblings of a larger change that’s occurring while Uranus is here through April 2026. 

Now that we’re almost finished with this Uranus transit, you should be able to see how much you’ve grown and changed as a leader. You may have made multiple career pivots or explored new ways to incorporate technology into what you do. But if you’re feeling trapped in your line of work, liberator Uranus can free you from any structure that feels repressive or confining to your soul. It’s time to move past “nice” and become the fierce being that you are! While Uranus is retrograde, avoid rash moves but DO step back for a little bit of soul-searching.

The lightning-bolt epiphanies of Uranus aren’t always comfortable or easy—even if their goal is to awaken you to your most authentic self. The celestial shock jock specializes in disruption, not mere change. So this retrograde slowdown could actually be a welcome opportunity to integrate the many changes you’ve experienced this summer. Sounds like a blessing in disguise!

While rebellious Uranus typically rewards you for marching to your own beat, the shadow side of the liberator planet can manifest as selfishness. Some Leos could deliberately act in a contrarian way for attention or because you think it makes you stand out. Tread lightly with that tactic. 

Focus on building (or rebuilding) bridges rather than burning them. During the retrograde, look for creative ways you can repair an important bond—especially with a father figure or a professional connection that’s gotten strained. Uranus is the planet of genius and innovation. Tap into that side of yourself for creative problem-solving now.

Pluto, the ruler of transformation and the unconscious, had been retrograde since May 2, when it began its rearward slide through Aquarius and your relationship house. On September 1, Pluto shifts back into Capricorn for the rest of the retrograde, spotlighting your health and organization sector until November 19. After that, Pluto will make its official move into Aquarius, settling into your partnership realm for an unbroken 20-year run. Until then, you’ll be working through themes of the sixth house: routines, responsibilities, service, wellness and your place of employment.

Note: Pluto first commenced its two-decade voyage through Aquarius in March 2023, entering the community-focused sign for the first time since 1798. Powerful Pluto then darted back and forth between conservative Capricorn and progressive Aquarius throughout the rest of 2023 and 2024, leaving us all toggling between old habits of playing small and future possibilities that promote a deeper sense of belonging.

Pluto retrograde could give you a front-row seat to any control issues you’ve been quietly harboring, driven by anxiety and stress. Ask yourself, Leo: What are you micromanaging or afraid to let go of in your life? Perfectionism and body image issues can flare, and with probing Pluto in this reflective position, you could work through these with the help of a coach or therapist. 

The opportunity? Address your own mental and physical well-being before you prioritize other people or pour energy into a relationship. After all, a healthy relationship with yourself is the crucial first step. Is there a healthy balance of give-and-take with others? Empower yourself to say “no” to planning that next birthday or bachelorette party if you’re feeling stretched beyond your limits. While deep-diving Pluto is retrograde, you could have a season of soul-searching where you learn to better balance your mind, body and emotions. 

The September 2 Virgo new moon gets practical plans into gear as it beams into your second house of work, money and habits. You could commit to a new fitness goal, start an exciting new assignment at work, receive a plum job offer or get a handle on your budget. Where would you like to be by the Virgo full moon on March 14, 2025? Make a step-by-step roadmap, or at least rough out an estimate. 

Have you felt left in the dark around a shared matter, Leo? The truth may be difficult to discern on September 3, when driven Mars in your teamwork zone clashes with foggy Neptune in your secretive eighth house. A professional or personal partner may be slightly obscuring the truth…maybe even telling you an outright lie. 

If something feels off, keep digging. Don’t be afraid to press the other party for more info. A little candid communication could clear this whole thing up. On the other hand, if this person refuses to engage in an open dialogue, it may be wise to part ways. Mars moves out of Gemini and into Cancer tomorrow (September 4), energizing your twelfth house of completions until November 3. Whether you solve this through a timeout or healing talks, a conclusion is in sight.

Warning: Passionate Mars in emotional Cancer can turn up the dial on your feelings—especially regarding family (chosen or otherwise). You could feel extra sensitive during this time, torn between the quiet solitude of home and the call of social obligation (and fun!). Since the twelfth house rules endings, it’s important to ask yourself: Are there close relationships—especially among your inner circle—that you’ve simply outgrown? 

Mars in Cancer encourages you to lead with your intuition and facilitate necessary heart-opening conversations. On the other hand, this highly emotional energy can manifest as stewing and quiet resentment, indicative of where you might have given more than you’ve received in your relationship. Could a necessary goodbye be on the agenda?

Remember, change starts from within, Leo. Where do you need to evolve? On September 8, the annual Sun-Saturn opposition puts you in the mindset for metamorphosis. Don’t ignore those deep-seated issues and annoying stumbling blocks. This is your cosmic cue to confront them head-on. As these two heavyweights face off in your money houses, you may feel a surge of fears and limiting beliefs around finances, security and your own self-worth.

The illuminating Sun and restrictive Saturn only oppose each other one day a year, so luckily, the heavy feelings will quickly dissipate. Before that happens, this day could serve up a helpful reality check. It takes courage to make big adjustments—just focus on the first step and take it. That could mean admitting you made a mistake, asking for help or putting your ego aside. Examine whether your work aligns with your values. If it doesn’t, how could you begin to change that? Leo, your life will blossom in beautiful ways if you open your heart to transformation.

These themes are about to become a much bigger part of your life midmonth, when eclipse season rolls into town! The last two game-changing eclipses of 2024 take place over the course of this month and next, serving disruption and upgrades—altering life as you know it. 

Eclipses arrive four to six times a year to shake up business as usual and force us to make decisions. For a fixed sign like yours that may stubbornly cling to old habits and relationship patterns, the eclipses push you to switch things up. 

September brings a brand-new eclipse series on the Virgo/Pisces axis that will run through February 2027, helping you unlock a new level of understanding of what really matters—especially in the context of your existing values and relationships. This eclipse cycle explores quintessentially taboo matters including money, sexuality and your intimate relations.

The first eclipse—a Pisces partial lunar (full supermoon)—falls on September 17, lighting up your eighth house of intimacy and eroticism. You could fall down the sensual rabbit hole with your partner or a romantic prospect. Or an outpouring of feelings you didn’t even realize were in your vocabulary could flow. Committed Leos could change their relationship status—whether it’s an engagement, a breakup or redefined parameters.

The eighth house is also the domain of joint ventures and long-term finances. At this eclipse you could close a lucrative deal or get backing from a heavy hitter, possibly around an artistic venture. Some Leos could be on the receiving end of an inheritance or make a bounty from investments. Since Pisces rules the imagination, stay in an abundance-attracting mindset and you’ll be swimming in miracles before you know it. 

Speaking of abundance, circle September 19 to 21 for an extra cosmic boost in your money and work zones. The Virgo Sun forms a grand earth trine (a three-way harmonization that brings luck and ease) with changemaker Uranus in Taurus and your tenth house of career and success, and influential Pluto in your sixth house of employment and daily routines. An offer could come out of the blue or from a totally unpredictable source. Hang onto your pink cowboy hat, Leo: It could have you considering a relocation or some other wild-card factor. Lean in to this energy and you’ll nail that interview, ace that client presentation or magnetize some powerful collaborations into your orbit.

Some lightness returns on September 22 (whew!) as the Sun moves into Libra for a month, heating up your third house of communication and community. After a month of nose-to-grindstone hard work—both internally and in your daily life—you could suddenly have a million tempting invitations and distractions, which you’ll willingly say yes to now. 

But try to keep things balanced (the buzzword of Libra season) and maintain a bit of white space in your calendar—especially with action-oriented Mars in tender Cancer and your restful twelfth house through mid-October. With another eclipse and more planetary plot twists ahead, move into autumn surrounded by your most supportive people. 

Surrender, Leo, and let yourself be pleasured! Lusty Mars slips into Cancer, taking a sultry sabbatical in your dreamy, receptive twelfth house from September 4 to November 3. As the jungle royal you prefer to be the “predator” rather than the “prey,” but enjoy a spicy role reversal and let someone else ravage you for a change. You can drop them plenty of hints while flirty Venus hangs out in Libra and your playfully communicative third house until September 22.

Think of it as a big cat-and-mouse game—with a twist. Surprise! Someone from the friend zone could start looking like a snack…and possibly a five-course meal once Venus settles into merger-minded Scorpio and your familiar fourth house on September 22. Coupled Lions may be ready to meet the parents or invite your S.O. to cohabitate in your lair. 

Already living together? Have fun entertaining mutual friends as sweater weather kicks in. But don’t overload your schedules! With Mars in “do not disturb” mode for most of the month, cuddling and watching movies with your plus-one could be your idea of a perfect date. 

Heads up: Eclipse season begins midmonth with the Pisces partial lunar (full moon) eclipse on September 17, kicking off a brand-new eclipse series on the Virgo/Pisces axis through February 2027. What’s on the agenda? Shared resources and power dynamics within your intimate bonds. Don’t be a cowardly Lion! These eclipses are major cosmic forces that can help you redefine your existing values, build more self-esteem and rebalance your relationship dynamics for the better. With the Pisces eclipse illuminating your erotic eighth house, some soul-searing sexytime could be on the midmonth menu.

Money magnetism: rising! Until September 22, the Sun is in Virgo, boosting your budgeting and firing up your financial finesse. Brainstorm and implement ways to cut back on spending and increase savings. Ambitious Mars will also spend most of the month in security-minded Cancer, amping up your need for comfort—which includes securing a healthy nest egg or a real estate purchase. 

We know you love your indulgences, Leo—those matcha lattes can be addictive (and add up)—but moderation is key! If you bring your lunch to work, for example, you could treat yourself at the end of the month with a luxurious splurge. Send resumes and LinkedIn messages out for a new job if you’ve hit a monetary ceiling. 

The Virgo new moon on September 2 presents an opportune moment to begin your search or set financial goals that will unfold over the next six months. Make a step-by-step roadmap, or at least rough out an estimate. Then sleep on it for 48 hours since hazy Neptune will form a tense square to eager Mars on September 3, potentially clouding your five-year plan.

A new eclipse series on the Virgo-Pisces axis begins midmonth with the partial lunar (full supermoon) Pisces eclipse on September 17 activating your money zone and arena of joint ventures. Could a lucrative deal, creative collaboration or windfall be coming down the pike? This eclipse could bring a surprise opportunity to invest or divest, enter the property market or find ways to earn passive income. 

Circle September 19 to 21 for an extra cosmic boost in your money and work zones. The meticulous Virgo Sun forms a grand earth trine with changemaker Uranus and penetrating Pluto, empowering you to nail that interview or VIP client pitch like a Simone Biles backflip. You could magnetize some powerful players into your orbit too. Ready for a raise or promotion? You’ll be able to negotiate a sweet contract or status upgrade on September 30, when the confident Sun meets up with savvy Mercury in diplomatic Libra, amplifying your powers of persuasion. 

Love Days: 14, 18

Money Days: 24, 6

Luck Days: 22, 4

Off Days: 29, 16, 20

See All Signs

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