Your Andscape October 2024 horoscope


October is a month marked by profound change. We not only started with a powerful solar eclipse in Libra, but in a couple of weeks later, the start of Scorpio season arrives, bringing opportunities for renewal and reform.

During the first half of October, Venus, the planet that influences our value system and relationships as well as this solar eclipse, will still be in penetrating Scorpio. Here, Venus helps expose the deep-rooted problems affecting our quality of life and connections to others. As the effects of the Libra eclipse continue to play out between now and the next six months, we are being given the opportunity to push for a better quality of life for ourselves and others, break unhealthy relationship patterns and reestablish a connection with our creative and passionate selves.

Come mid-month, chatty Mercury enters Scorpio, helping us think strategically about our next steps and harness the power of our intuition. Later, the sun visits Scorpio and sheds light on the shadowy side of life, all the while pushing us to fortify ourselves as we work to confront it.

Throughout October, multiple planets will visit all three water signs — Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces — simultaneously. Together, they will emphasize the need for emotional support and care, empathy, and heartfelt bonds, as well as the importance of pause and reflection as we navigate the waves of change.

Meanwhile, an emotionally charged full moon in Aries pushes us to stand up for ourselves or others in the face of injustice or abuse. On the same day as the Aries full moon, Venus enters warmhearted and wise Sagittarius, encouraging us to seek meaningful relationships with whom we can laugh, learn, and build a better future.

Key dates

Oct. 2 – Solar eclipse in Libra

Oct. 13 – Mercury enters Scorpio

Oct. 17 – Full moon in Aries

Oct. 17 – Venus enters Sagittarius

Oct. 22 – Scorpio season begins


Near the Libra eclipse, you may find that there’s a relationship (or two) in your life that needs to change for the better if it’s going to continue. While analytical Mercury visits Scorpio in your zone of transformation, it encourages you to delve inward and get honest about the fears, negative feelings, or insecurities that may be holding you back from true intimacy or keeping you stuck in painful relationship patterns. While doing this kind of self-examination can feel insular or isolating, know that you don’t have to do it alone. Call on the help that you need.

Although relationships and togetherness are emphasized for you this month, the full moon in Aries brings the spotlight back to you. This moon might be a catalyst for healing heartbreak or resolving buried emotions, especially if it concerns family. Much of October might feel emotional and heavy but Venus in happy-go-lucky Sagittarius encourages you to seek out people and places that leave you hopeful and lift your spirits as Scorpio season pulls you into the depths.


Your daily routine is put under the microscope this month after the solar eclipse in Libra. Perhaps you need to practice delegating some of your responsibilities so you’re not doing everything yourself. Maybe you need more of a work-life balance. If you’re dealing with a health problem, you might be seeking some help with that too. As chatty Mercury travels through Scorpio in your relationship zone, you’re encouraged to enlist the support of others to achieve your professional and wellness goals.

Instead of trying to control everything, recognize when it’s time to ask for help or to step back so others can step in. Expect the full moon in attention-grabbing Aries to show you exactly what you need to let go or remove from your life for the sake of your well-being. Venus in Sagittarius will also be working on your behalf, helping you to identify and secure resources that will aid you in making the necessary changes to simplify or improve your daily living. When Scorpio season arrives, collaboration will be the key to success.


After the solar eclipse in Libra, you may find yourself embarking on a journey to self-discovery. You could be seeking ways to reconnect with your creativity or working to bring a project to life. Figuring out what makes you happy could also be big on your mind. Whatever your goal, know that it might take some practice and planning to reach it. As detail-oriented Mercury visits Scorpio, reprioritize what’s important so you can carve out enough time in your schedule to focus on the projects, interests, or activities that you really want to do.  

If you have trouble finishing what you start, the full moon in determined Aries could help you get over the hump and over the finish line. Since friendship is also highlighted under this full moon and Venus in Sagittarius will be stationed in your partnership zone, the power of community can also get you where you want to be. Overall, if you’re hoping to improve your well-being, professional life, or your sense of fulfillment, Scorpio season can be a great time to start.


The attention is on your private life with the solar eclipse in Libra activating your home zone. You might be putting down roots somewhere new, expanding your family, or making home improvements. Because this eclipse is also an emotional one, you could be working to improve your mental health and learning how to better prioritize your happiness. As intellectual Mercury moves through Scorpio, your zone of creativity and joy, this is an excellent time for creative classes or projects, planning fun outings or events, or sharing your talents on a public stage. Once Scorpio season begins, you can expect your passion and confidence to increase.

Near the full moon in ambitious Aries, you could be celebrating a win or achievement or ready to embark on the next leg of your professional journey. While pleasant Venus visits Sagittarius, your zone of work and wellness, it could bring added perks to your job or benefit your career growth. You might also experience more ease in your daily life or benefit from stepping up your self-care routine.


The Libra solar eclipse highlights your communication zone, which may push you to have a long overdue conversation regarding a family or housing issue, business contract, or something that’s been weighing on your heart for some time. Too, you could be having discussions about all the above. As brainy Mercury travels through Scorpio, bringing your private life and thoughts to the forefront, there could be important decisions to make as you work to improve your financial security, support system, or emotional well-being.

Meanwhile, the full moon in Aries may push you to accept a hard truth or face something you’ve been running from. Maybe it’s a matter of getting out of your own way. Whatever happens, know it will benefit your personal growth. On a lighter note, Venus in happy-go-lucky Sagittarius will be bringing a little levity and romance into your world, reminding you that life need not be so hard or grim. When Scorpio season begins, aim to cocoon yourself away in your own cozy bubble for a little while.


You may be thinking hard about your money and finances near the solar eclipse in Libra. There could be an opportunity to renew a contract, secure new clients or a new job via networking, or enlist the help of a financial expert. While Mercury in Scorpio visits your communication zone, it’s an ideal time to connect with people who can connect you with the information, resources, or opportunities you seek.

At the same time, if there are people in your life siphoning your time and energy and taking more from you than they give back, the full moon in Aries could aid you in setting necessary boundaries for yourself. While loving Venus visits warmhearted Sagittarius in your home zone, plan to spend time with people who nourish and nurture you. This Venus transit also encourages you to enjoy the comfort of your home or create a warm and inviting space to rest and rejuvenate. As Scorpio season ramps up your schedule and list of things to do, you’ll want your home to be your haven.


The past year may have been fraught with many ups and downs but with one final solar eclipse in your sign, you’re coming to the end of this long and winding journey. There may be new doors opening in your career. You might also be working to shed a negative self-image in exchange for more self-compassion and self-love. During Mercury’s stay in Scorpio in your zone of values and money, acknowledge what you appreciate about yourself. Apply for a new job, revise your budget, or negotiate a pay raise too.

The full moon in Aries in your partnership sector could aid you in finalizing a business contract or agreement or help you to move on to something better. Romantic and personal relationships are also spotlighted as the full moon aims to grow and improve your connections. However, if you’re ready to end a connection, that could happen as well. While Venus in Sagittarius travels through your communication zone, your social life will be abuzz. Profitable opportunities could arrive by way of people you know once Scorpio season kicks off.


You might be feeling super-tired, moody, or regretful at the start of the month with the solar eclipse in Libra activating your sector of retreat and endings. While you may not be able to change the past or control others or outcomes, you can learn how to remain rooted in the present moment and trust that what’s unfolding in your life is for your own evolution and healing. You can also allow yourself to rest. You can pray, and you can ramp up your spiritual hygiene.

During Mercury’s visit to your sign, avoid ruminating on things you can’t change and instead start making plans for what you want to build, create, or invite into your life or places you want to go. Talk to people who inspire you and seek joy where you can. Count your blessings. Let the full moon in Aries empower your decision-making about your health or work. As Venus travels through Sagittarius, spoil yourself a little. Your moment in the sun will soon arrive and when it does, enjoy it.


While it’s true that the solar eclipse in Libra wants you to be choosier about the groups, organizations, and teams that you join, you’re also being asked to allow yourself to receive help from those around you, rather than always being the one who’s doing the giving. While Mercury in Scorpio journeys through your zone of endings and retreat, your mind may be tired. As such, you’re encouraged to do less and rest more. Additionally, your intuition may be heightened, making it a good time to do dreamwork or follow any hunches you might get.

If you’ve been working on a creative or artistic project or a labor of love, the full moon in Aries could be a moment of success or public acclaim. It could also be a good time to take a break from work and do something fun or romantic, especially since pleasure-seeking Venus will be moving into Sagittarius on the same day as the full moon. Later in the month, Scorpio season officially begins, powering down your batteries. Set aside ample time to recharge.


As ambitious as you are, you may have been learning that just because you’re offered an opportunity doesn’t mean you should take it or that it’s right for you, which may be a lesson that the solar eclipse in Libra is driving home. At the same time, there could be potential partnerships or collaborations for you to consider as you work to make your dreams come true. When Mercury in Scorpio reaches your zone of friendship and wishes, it can be useful for identifying which opportunities or goals you want to pursue and planning your next move.

Proceed with caution around the full moon in temperamental Aries, as it could turn up family drama or bring added stress to your home life. On a positive note, the full moon could help you break free of dysfunctional family dynamics, resolve a housing matter, or stop invalidating your feelings. Enjoying quality time with yourself will be especially beneficial once Venus enters Sagittarius, visiting your zone of rest and retreat. Once Scorpio season starts, your social life will ramp back up.


The solar eclipse in Libra activates your zone of growth and expansion. Perhaps you’re trying to move forward in your career or you’re ready to answer your calling. Maybe you’re seeking to help or inspire others. As you mull over your mission, this can be an ideal time to invest in your education or expand your skill set, explore new paths or opportunities, or adopt a more self-empowering attitude. During the time Mercury in Scorpio spends in your zone of fame and recognition, shrewd business decisions will pay off. People may want to pay or consult you for your expertise or to share your expert opinion, possibly through writing, speaking, or teaching.

Use the full moon in assertive Aries to pitch your ideas, products, or services to the right people. This is a great moon for marketing yourself or any projects you’re working on or for having important discussions or business meetings. With Venus in Sagittarius moving into your friendship sector, and the sun entering magnetic Scorpio, your popularity is about to go way up.


You may be working to clear out the clutter in your life this month, whether it’s emotional “junk” or physical stuff you no longer need. As you embark on your transformation, which was set in motion by last month’s Pisces lunar eclipse, the solar eclipse in Libra pushes you to release or leave behind anything that’s keeping you stuck, robbing you of your power, or hindering your greatness. As brainy Mercury travels through Scorpio in your zone of expansion and opportunity, it can be a good time for traveling, seeking spiritual guidance, or learning something new. Above all, this month encourages you to cast off your doubts, dream big, and take a gamble on yourself.

With the full moon in Aries illuminating your zone of money and self-worth, you might discover the amazing things you can manifest when you stay in alignment with your values and believe you’re worthy and deserving of what you want. Look to Venus in Sagittarius to help you attract the right people or opportunities to help you succeed. When Scorpio season arrives, shoot for the stars.

Mecca Woods is a New York City-based astrologer and author who helps others create a life they truly want using the gifts they were born with. Her writing and astrology-based guidance have appeared in places like Bustle, Essence, Cosmopolitan, and on TLC. Her books, “Astrology for Happiness and Success” and “The Astrology Journal: A Celestial Guide to Recording Your Cosmic Journey” are out now.

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