Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: October 15, 2024


Bella Hadid, a Libra.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

The moon spends most of today in dreamy Pisces, and in the evening Neptune, also in Pisces, and Venus work together to create an atmosphere of creativity and compassion. You’re unlikely to feel especially driven right now, and it’s not the best time to set aggressive goals or throw yourself into challenging situations. Better to be gentle with yourself and others, and focus on doing what feels good.

You’ll be happiest today if you resist the impulse to rush. Don’t hurry through your work, or push yourself to make decisions quickly. Moving fast will probably lead to mistakes — and even more importantly, it’ll make you miss out on what could be a lovely, enjoyable day. Slow down and take the scenic route, instead. Detours, breaks, and rambling conversations have the potential to be incredibly rewarding, so make time for them.

You’re so accustomed to your own company — you spend every day with yourself, after all — that you tend to forget how much you matter to the people around you. You might take yourself for granted, but that doesn’t mean that everyone does. Remind yourself of this by spending time with other people today. When you’re on your own, it’s easy to indulge your own unflattering narratives, but if you get together with your friends, you’ll remember how much love there is in your life.

You’ve worked hard to develop a healthy level of confidence and a supportive social circle. But every so often, a quiet (or sometimes not-so-quiet) voice in your head tells you that if your friends could see the real you, they wouldn’t like you at all. If that feeling creeps in today, your impulse might be to withdraw. But a better response would be to open up, and let your friends see a new side to you. It might be uncomfortable, but it could bring you closer together.

You’re an exceptionally imaginative person, though others might not always recognize it. After all, you probably don’t demand accolades or attention — you don’t rely on external validation. There’s power in this kind of self-reliance, but remember that there’s another kind of power in sharing your spark with the world. Today, bolster your creativity by connecting with the people around you — not solely by listening to their ideas, but by opening up about yours, too.

No matter how much you love yourself, every once in a while you also get a little tired of yourself. You know your own tendencies too well, and as familiar as you are with your flaws, it doesn’t stop you from making the same mistakes again and again. Today, the solution isn’t to try to “fix” your shortcomings, but to stop thinking about yourself for a while. If you let your own ambitions go, at least for the time being, and devote your energy instead to the people around you, you’ll be much more fulfilled.

Sometimes, you worry that daydreaming only serves to divert you from your tangible goals. It’s hard to make progress here in the real world if you’re always distracted by fantasies, or if you let yourself want too much. Today, though, if you unleash your imagination, it’s more likely to be a help than a hindrance. If you’re willing to think outside the box, try creative strategies, and stop doing things exactly like you always have, you’ll see that you’re capable of more than you thought possible.

Some people act rashly when they’re faced with a problem, but you tend to take a slower approach, considering the issue calmly and rationally. But lately, the more deeply you think, the more you get tangled up in competing ideas, and the harder it gets to know what’s right. So today, stop thinking so hard, and pay attention to what you feel. For now, forget about careful deliberation and analysis. See what happens if you tune into your emotions and let yourself be guided by intuition.

You’re not averse to a bit of mystery; you probably even find a thrill in bravely diving into the unknown. You don’t, however, want to live there forever. Ultimately, you want clearly defined relationships, straightforward plans, and unambiguous answers. You’re unlikely to find the clarity you want today, though, and you’ll be happiest if you can accept some open-endedness in your emotions and relationships. Don’t push others to give answers they don’t have, or pressure yourself to know exactly how you feel. Certainty will arrive eventually, so take your time.

You’ve been working harder than ever lately and today, you could do with a break. But you can’t wait for someone else to notice how exhausted you are and encourage you to rest. No matter how much they love you, other people are busy with their own lives and not necessarily paying attention to your mental state. In order to get the kindness, care, and relaxation you need, you’ll have to ask for it — or take matters into your own hands and give it to yourself.

You might understand on an intellectual level that you’re more than your productivity or achievements, but there’s probably another, deeper part of you that fears being idle. You worry about wasting your time, failing to live up to your potential, squandering your talents. But humans aren’t machines: A well-lived life is one that includes love and joy and leisure. Today, especially, the best thing you can do is socialize and relax. It isn’t a waste of your time, but a worthy use of it.

As personable and fun as you are, you also tend to keep your guard up. There’s a part of you that others rarely get to see — not even the people you’ve known longest. It takes effort to get to know the real you, and while that’s not necessarily a bad thing it can, sometimes, get lonely. The people in your life want to show you tenderness, and you deserve to receive it, so don’t put up added barriers today.

You might not personally care much about the practical side of life — you’re more interested in art or abstract questions — but you recognize that it matters. And lately you’ve been making an extra effort to take care of the boring details: Keeping your house clean, sticking to your budget, staying on top of all the little administrative tasks. So today, take a break from all that. Remember that while all this work is necessary, it’s not in itself the point of life, so set aside time to do what you truly care about.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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