Libra Monthly Horoscope


MONTH OF September

Hang in there: Libra season is only three weeks away! Until September 22, when the Sun enters your sign, el Sol is voyaging through Virgo and your twelfth house of rest, closure and healing. You could feel foggy at the moment, in need of extra shuteye and like a sponge for other people’s energy. Be discerning how (and with whom!) you spend your time and avoid the energy drains. You don’t have to be at every back-to-work cocktail party or pickleball game, especially if your fatigue matches your FOMO.

While we’d typically suggest easing into the season, it might not be so easy to pull off. September’s skies are busy from the get-go, making it hard to just slip off the grid. Uranus and Pluto both make retrograde moves, but also harmonize with each other in a rare and revolutionary 120-degree trine that could stir up change in your personal life. There’s a Virgo new moon on September 2, and energizer Mars makes a sign change on the 4th. From there, things (mostly) quiet down until September 17, when the Pisces full moon kicks off fall eclipse season. 

It all begins on September 1, when changemaker Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus, making a pivot in your eighth house of intimacy and investments. A cosmic curveball could arrive, or you might have a sudden change of heart around a romantic or financial matter. That same day, intense Pluto, which has been retrograde in Aquarius since May 2, dips back into Capricorn until November 19, visiting this sign for the last time in our lives. For you, Pluto will shift its focus from your romance sector back into your fourth house of home and family. It’s a time to process some lingering childhood or ancestral baggage that has been hiding in the shadows—for once and for all.

All month, Uranus and Pluto will join forces, forming a harmonious 120-degree trine that sets the stage for profound transformation—on a personal AND global level. These two heavy hitters last met up in a similar fashion in the early 1920s, ushering in radical social, economic and political change. This dynamic cosmic setup can breathe new life into the most emotional and spiritual parts of your life. 

One key message of this month: Work through lingering fears and perfectionist tendencies that are holding you back, Libra. Retrogrades can resurface people and unresolved issues from your past. Did you shut the door on an intense situationship…or was it left open a crack? With volatile Uranus in repose, you might reunite with a smoldering ex. A sudden breakup or a secret could come out into the open.

On the other hand, Pluto’s retrograde (which will last until October 11) calls for self-examination before you make any hasty moves or decisions. Plans to start a family, move or buy a home could undergo deeper consideration. You may need to work through some co-dependency issues, particularly with your mother, a child or a close female friend. 

Someone who fits this description may also need extra emotional or psychological support now. Don’t get caught trying to play savior, though. Ultimately, we all have to make our own life choices, and you can’t force anyone to do things your way.

This Virgo new moon on September 2 shines a healing spotlight on your twelfth house of closure, spirituality, and transitions. Start an inner journey of self-discovery or the process of letting go so that you can make way for a fresh life chapter. Open up room for positive and nurturing energy to enter your field by clearing your space of anything that ISN’T that. You could shock yourself by abruptly cutting off a toxic habit or relationship—or going all in with a person who could be soulmate material.

It’s a bit of a paradox to have a new moon, which marks beginnings, in your house of endings. But hey, endings are beginnings in that “circle of life” kind of way. If you’ve wanted to start (or resume) a meditation practice, a creative pursuit or a healthier approach to eating, this supportive new moon gives you the opportunity to follow through.

The cosmos may slow your momentum immediately after, however, with driven Mars forming a frustrating square with foggy Neptune on September 3. Professional plans could hit an unexpected snag, but don’t get discouraged. You’ve got what it takes to get through this rough patch! Could some creative brainstorming help you solve this issue? Take a moment to rehash your master plan and implement fresh strategies for success. The silver lining? Mars moves out of Gemini and into Cancer tomorrow, energizing your career sector until November 3. Things will sort themselves out soon enough—and new opportunities are on their way.

With ambitious Mars in security-driven Cancer, you’ll be focused on your long-term professional goals and reputation all month long. As work picks up after the summer haze, try to strike the right balance (your favorite word) between the office and your self-care. We know you struggle with FOMO, Libra, but do you have to RSVP “yes” to every post-work happy hour or networking event? Warning: Direct Mars in side-stepping Cancer can be a recipe for passive aggressiveness—a domineering boss (more Devil less Prada) or demanding client could factor into events, driving up anxiety levels at work. Not very demure—or mindful. 

Deep breaths, Libra! On September 8, the annual Sun-Saturn opposition could be a day when everything feels a bit heavy or pessimistic. A necessary pause is in order. With the Sun in your foggy twelfth house and demanding Saturn in your perfectionistic sixth, you could be really hard on yourself. You might also feel like someone else isn’t cutting you a break you deserve. 

Is someone in your inner circle or a “well-meaning” coworker exploiting your open-heartedness? Boundaries are healthy, Libra, and today’s opposition of the Sun and Saturn may inspire you to build stronger emotional borders with people who always want more (and more…and more!). Don’t let the energy vampires drain your spirit. As for needy friends and relatives? Stop rushing in for the save. Encourage them to find their inner strength instead of leaning on you all the time. In the end, that’s the kindest thing for all parties.

If your goals seem daunting or you’re struggling to stick to a plan, slow down. Trying to break an addictive pattern? This could be a cold-turkey day or a moment when you really need to reach out for support. Doing it alone doesn’t make you “stronger,” Libra. In fact, the Sun-Saturn face-off could starkly reveal where you need help from a mentor or seasoned expert.

Feeling overwhelmed by it all? On September 17, eclipse season introduces a healthy dose of (necessary) change into our lives. Two of 2024’s four game-changing eclipses occur this month and next, sounding the call to organize, systematize and strategize. Eclipses can push us off the fence if we’ve been wishy-washy or procrastinating. Unexpected events occur during eclipses, and a whole area of our lives can change in short order. This can feel either exciting or daunting. It’s best to stay alert and expect the unexpected during eclipse season and be open to what changes may come.

On September 17, the partial lunar (full supermoon) eclipse in Pisces starts a brand-new eclipse series on the Pisces/Virgo axis that stretches into February 2027. These eclipses will help you find a healthy balance between control and surrender, service and sacrifice, work and mental health. This isn’t a to-do list; it’s an invitation to revamp these areas of your life over the next couple years. 

Whether that means getting into the best shape of your life or digging into deeply rooted childhood issues, psychological blocks or core wounds, the mid-September eclipse will catalyze your healing journey. Dial back to the period between March 2015 and February 2017 in your personal history—you may see some recurring themes popping up now.

This potent eclipse is in Pisces and your sixth house of wellness and organization. Your overall health—mental, physical and emotional—comes fully into the frame. You may get important news about work or your well-being. Lunar eclipses can prompt the need for major lifestyle changes too. Maybe you’ll be forced to revamp your diet and exercise habits (“sober-curious,” anyone?), work from home instead of an office or undergo a medical procedure. You might proactively hire a trainer or some sort of assistant since the sixth house rules helpful people. You may also fire or replace any service providers who aren’t pulling their weight or giving you the support you need.

Since Pisces rules our inner landscape, pay attention to your dreams as messages from crossed over loved ones could be coming through during this time. Highlight September 19 to 21 in your calendar for extra energetic hits of clarity and realization. The meticulous Virgo Sun forms an earthy grand trine (a planetary three-part harmony) with authentic Uranus and penetrating Pluto, emphasizing your ability to emotionally ground yourself amidst the overwhelm and materialize a more authentic path forward.

With Uranus in your ninth house of expansion and Pluto in your fourth house of domestic affairs, the future is on your mind. Whether it’s plans to start a family or buy a home, you’ll have a clearer sense for what you’re looking for stemming from within—NOT based on inherited preferences. You could shock yourself by abruptly cutting off a toxic habit or relationship—or going all in with a person who could be soulmate material. Or maybe you decide you’d like to be a childless cat lady instead. Go ahead, disrupt the status quo! This is a great moment to break out of existing social expectations or get over a professional plateau by doing something wildly off-script.

Just in the nick of time, Libra season begins! On September 22, the Sun sails into your sign for a month, waking you up and restoring your joie de vivre. Much of that mental fog will clear up, and you’ll be ready to act decisively. What’s one big personal goal you’d like to achieve before 2024 closes out? Connect and commit to that now, Libra—especially with the next eclipse happening in YOUR sign. 

Sneak peek: The October 2 Libra solar eclipse will be the last Libra eclipse of the Aries/Libra axis that began in earnest in July 2023. You’ve since been undergoing a massive recalibration in your closest relationships and work priorities—now arriving at a place that better honors your needs. You’ve got one life to live, Libra; might as well make it yours.

Let go of the past so you can welcome the new Libra. This month, love is a mix of endings and beginnings. With the Sun in Virgo and your twelfth house of closure and healing, you may need to usher out some stragglers to make way for real love. Perhaps you haven’t entirely recuperated from a loss or heartbreak and need to use the first three weeks of the month to do just that. Or maybe you’re just not SURE what you want (#LibraProblems) and need a little more time to weigh the options.

The September 2 new moon in Virgo shines la luna’s moonbeams into your twelfth house of attachments, presenting a meaningful opportunity to cut the codependent ties and people-pleasing tendencies that enable other people to take advantage of your generosity and goodwill. You’ll respect them—and feel much more attracted to them, too—when you demand their best and let them rise to your elevated standards.

Love planet Venus—your celestial ruler—is in Libra until September 22. You’ve got charm and magnetism by the boatload, so leave those confusing and halfhearted people in the rearview and move on to better options. Single? Woo interested and available prospects just by being your witty and whimsical self. Coupled Libras will feel their mojo rising, especially since it was probably in a bit of a slump last month. Dress up, go out on the town and revive the romance you’ve been craving. Since Libra rules social justice and politics, you could opt to work on your bond by volunteering for a campaign or writing letters to voters together instead. The couple that campaigns together, stays together (just ask the Oclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” bamas)! 

Alert: Venus will form a challenging square to shadowy Pluto in your home and family sector on September 22. If you live with your S.O., things could feel tense and claustrophobic. You might feel stifled or controlled—or there could be some unspoken bad vibes in the air. Do you need to carve out a little solo space at home, even if it’s just claiming a nook for yourself? If you have children (fur babies included), you could feel their intense need for your attention competing with your desires for romance—time to find a new babysitter, stat! 

Balancing your emotional needs and everyone else’s could bring up some powerful feelings to work through (especially with direct Mars in emotional Cancer all month!). Discussing a key exchange or meeting each other’s families? Some of your fears could surge up, and you might suddenly feel like you’re not ready for this major step. 

Venus will plunge into the watery depths of Scorpio and your stabilizing second house later that same day (September 22), giving you an opportunity to ground yourself in the values that really matter to you. At its highest vibration, Venus in Scorpio facilitates emotionally vulnerable exchanges, allowing you to communicate honestly from the heart. Put it out there unapologetically and, soon enough, you could have it. 

On the other hand, watch out for any lingering fear grabbing the steering wheel—you could be subconsciously projecting some unresolved intimacy issues from the past into your current situation. You’ll be able to arrive at a much sweeter resolution or compromise when the Sun and Mercury meet up in YOUR sign on September 30.

Pace yourself, Libra. With the Sun in Virgo and your restful twelfth house until September 22, you could be sleepier or less focused than usual. Adding to the muddled atmosphere, hot-to-trot Mars is moving through moody Cancer and your prestigious tenth house of career—finding the right balance between work and self-care will be tricky this month. 

The silver lining? This is a richly creative and imaginative month when the muse will be a regular houseguest between your ears. Spend time on more right-brained activities or visualizing the prosperity you want to create. Guided meditations, time in nature (especially near water) and supportive feedback will help make your ideas even better.

Warning: Aggressive Mars in watery Cancer can stir up tension at the workplace—especially with authority figures. You could find yourself doing mental gymnastics to meet the hot-and-cold, passive-aggressive whims of a domineering boss or client. Take a deep breath—especially at the annual Sun-Saturn opposition on September 8. With the Sun in your hazy twelfth house and taskmaster Saturn in your perfectionist sixth, don’t be so hard on yourself! Instead of breaking down, take a step back and reassess. Have you been loading up your plate with more than your fair share of work? Has there been a “well-meaning” coworker exploiting your open-heartedness and ability to get things done? Just because you can, Libra, doesn’t mean you should. 

On September 17, the Pisces lunar eclipse sweeps through your sixth house of employees, work and organization. Lunar eclipses can bring dramatic changes, “eclipsing” away what no longer serves us. Maybe you’ll leave an unsatisfying job where you don’t feel appreciated or there’s no room for growth. You could suddenly hire (or fire) someone on your team, whether it’s an assistant at the office or a service provider like a babysitter. This person may shock you by up and quitting out of the blue. 

If you’ve outgrown a part of your job, it’s time to delegate or ask to have those duties reassigned to someone else. This change-making eclipse spotlights which parts of your career have become a soul-sucking drag and which still inspire you. Then evaluate: How can you change your schedule, duties, time management process, etc., to create a more fulfilling path?

You’re back in business when the Sun moves into Libra for a month on September 22—a great time to make a fresh start! Circle September 30 for extra cosmic support, when communicative Mercury meets up with the confident Sun. It’s a good time to schedule an interview, post a LinkedIn thought piece or shoot your shot with a potential collaborator you’ve admired from afar. With a solar eclipse in YOUR sign taking place next month, you’ll be primed for that career upgrade you’ve been hoping for. 

Love Days: 18, 22

Money Days:29, 12

Luck Days: 26, 9

Off Days: 6, 24

See All Signs

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