Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope


MONTH OF September

And…action! September doesn’t miss a beat as your focus flips from sticking your toes in the sand to crushing your professional priorities. This cosmic compass calibration might feel abrupt, but it’s also looking good for you, Sag. On the September astro lineup: making money, catalyzing your career and adding routines that support healthy living. 

You’ve (mostly) got the perfect backdrop for crushing your goals. With the Sun in Virgo and your tenth house of achievement until September 22 backed by the September 2 Virgo new moon, cosmic support abounds. After a signal-scrambling Mercury retrograde cycle from August 5 to 28, you emerged with clarity about where to direct your formidable yet finite energy. And when the September 17 Pisces full supermoon kicks off a new eclipse series, you enter a two-year phase that will revolutionize both work and home AND the balance between them.

Bottom line: It’s time to aim your Archer’s arrow toward a specific goal rather than firing in every direction and praying that you hit a target, any target. But there’s a twist here, Sagittarius. This month, thanks to a pair of retrogrades, you also need to retrace your steps or tighten up an existing plan. 

The backward-facing edict arrives courtesy of changemaker Uranus and alchemical Pluto. On September 1, Uranus will start its annual five-month retrograde in Taurus and your sixth house of work, wellness and administrative affairs. Between now and January 30, 2025, you may recraft the way you organize your life, from hiring and firing to how you run your day-to-day schedule. Opportunity is flooding in, but do you have a system in place to manage it? Tech-savvy Uranus will help you audit and edit. 

That same day, intense Pluto, which has been retrograde in Aquarius since May 2, dips back into Capricorn until November 19, visiting this sign for the last time in our lives. For you, Pluto will shift its focus from your communication sector back into your second house of money and security. You have one last chance to banish limiting beliefs around finances and to root out any lingering confidence issues.

All month, Uranus and Pluto will join forces, forming a harmonious 120-degree trine that sets the stage for profound transformation—on a personal AND global level. These two cosmic giants last met up in a similar fashion in the early 1920s, ushering in radical social, economic and political change. Roaring Twenties revival, anyone? (The libertine flapper era might not be too different from how you already live parts of your life, Sag. Sign us all up!)

But before you start mixing up that bootleg bathtub gin and curating Prohibition-era jazz playlists, duty calls. The stars place you in a special boom cycle this month that can take your ambitious goals to new heights. Until September 22, the Sun is making its annual trek through Virgo and your status-driven tenth house, heating up your career and setting your sights on a big accomplishment. Mercury makes a second, retrograde-free lap through Virgo from September 9 to 26, catalyzing ideas that stalled in the first half of August and bringing contacts out of the woodwork.

As el Sol blazes across the very top of your chart, it’s a peak moment to rise into a leadership role or rub padded shoulders with the A-listers in your industry. Use this time to map out your responsibilities and to prioritize. Less distraction and multitasking, more focus on a single mission.

September 2 marks a pivotal professional moment as the year’s only Virgo new moon opens a major professional chapter that will unfold over the next six months. Where would you like to be by the March 2025 Virgo FULL moon? Set your sights on a lofty goal!

On a humbler but equally crucial note, the September 1 backspin of disruptor Uranus will help bring order to your Sagittarius court. You can’t build an empire on a shaky foundation—nor can you DIY it after a certain point, no matter how capable you may be. As Uranus reverses through Taurus and your administrative sixth house for the rest of the year, unhealthy habits and stagnant systems get the heave-ho. 

The tech-savvy planet, in Taurus from 2018 to 2026, has also demanded that you level up your digital game, from your online presence to using helpful apps and electronics to stay organized. Meantime, Pluto’s presence (which we’ll get to shortly) has forced you to confront a scarcity mindset and money fears over the past 16 years. 

With Uranus and Pluto both retrograde, you’ll need to more mindfully steward your cash flow and allocate resources to get the most bang for your buck. At work, Uranus retrograde can introduce chaos among employees and service providers. Stress levels can spike, and your schedule could get unwieldy. 

Since Uranus entered Taurus a few years ago, some Sagittarians found themselves in a supportive or provider role, one that introduced a lot of unexpected plot twists and a whole lot of attention to detail. The sixth house rules pets, and a furry critter could have demanded extra attention. Maybe you’ve finally reached the point of “enough!”—a word that isn’t uttered much by Sagittarians.

If your life feels like a puzzle with a million pieces scattered all around, Uranus retrograde will give you a chance to catch up. Hosting the planet of rebellion and freedom in this orderly zone of your chart can feel paradoxical. But if you can design a way for structure to create ease—finding hacks that give you more time instead of miring you in bureaucratic processes—you’ll tap into the gift of this transit.

And then…there’s Pluto. Shadowy Pluto, the ruler of transformation and the unconscious, has been retrograde in Aquarius since May 2, and it will shift back into Capricorn on September 1 for the duration of the retrograde (until October 11), staying hunkered in this sign until November 19. 

Pluto’s been in Aquarius off and on since March 2023 (its first visit here since 1798!), and in November, it will settle in for a long, unbroken 20-year run. With the transformative planet in your third house of communication, community and ideas, you’ve been on fire, tasting the powerful possibilities that await you in the years ahead, possibly as a teacher, writer or influential thinker. 

But first Pluto returns to Capricorn, and you could find yourself exploring some deep-seated beliefs about money and material security. The “god of the underworld” planet already sends you in the wayback machine to excavate old traumas and patterns, and while retrograde, you might drill a few miles deeper.

The hidden gift? Once you get to the core of those limiting beliefs, you can bid them adieu for good! Pluto’s departure from Capricorn on November 19 will be permanent. It won’t return to this sign for another 200-plus years. Barring any technological advances that extend the human lifespan that long, there’s a “see ya next lifetime, Pluto” moment—a holiday gift you’ll happily toast! 

Heads up, Sag: Communication will be anything BUT clear on September 3, thanks to a tough 90-degree square between action planet Mars and nebulous Neptune. Even well-intentioned comments could be misinterpreted with aggressive Mars in your partnership zone forming a tangled angle with nebulous Neptune in your sensitive fourth house. Use extreme diplomacy when faced with tricky conversations. Could you incorporate a few strategic compliments into your honest critique? Or maybe it’s best to shelve this discussion for another time, when everyone has had a chance to cool off. 

The silver lining? Mars, which has been in Gemini since July 22, will move into Cancer for two solid months tomorrow (September 4 to November 3). Avoid making raw, candid statements that could potentially offend. Mars will heat up your intimate and wealth-magnetizing eighth house for the better part of fall, which can put you in a super-focused, even obsessive mindset. Look out for bouts of jealousy and tunnel vision—and say hello to what could be an erotically charged cuffing season or for your calculated investments and strategic moves to hit the mark!

You’re the sign of the optimist, Sag, but even you have off days. One of them arrives on September 8, when the Sun makes its once-a-year opposition to heavy, pessimistic Saturn. You could feel overwhelmed trying to balance the personal and professional parts of your life since the ambitious Virgo Sun is staring down restrictive Saturn in your home and family zone. 

If one part of your life—either your career or your family—is getting the lion’s share of your attention, you might also decide to make a dedicated effort to even that out. Or, if you’re working hard and skimping on self-care, this Sun-Saturn face-off sounds an important (and harsh, if that’s what it takes to get your attention) warning to stop neglecting numero uno!

Are you struggling with guilt for time spent away from loved ones as you pursue your goals? Or are demands from the home front making it tough to be as successful as you want? Even if you take an unflinching look, be careful not to get down on yourself about this.

With these planets in the “mother and father” houses of your chart, you might look at your family or origin for clues. Maybe you’ll visit your ancestral hometown, research your roots or find new branches in your family tree. 

Good news: The planets are quiet for the next week and a half, giving you a chance to recalibrate. And, you’ll want to prepare for another moment that touches the same work-life parts of your chart—the start of fall eclipse season! 

On September 17, the Pisces full supermoon arrives as a partial lunar eclipse. Not only is this the third installment of 2024’s four eclipses, but it also kicks off a brand-new eclipse series on the Virgo-Pisces axis. These game-changing moments will turn the tides with home, family and career between now and February 2027—and this eclipse offers a sneak preview. For clues of what could unfold, revisit the period from March 2015 to February 2017, the last time we had eclipses in these two signs. You could have experienced changes to your living situation, work and priorities then.

Looking to streamline your existing responsibilities? September 19 to 21 offers a window of cosmic support as the humble Virgo Sun forms a grand earth trine (a harmonious three-way flow) with changemaker Uranus and transformative Pluto in your work and money zones. During this window, you could discover the dream assistant or get Team Archer running like a well-oiled machine. Download or master some helpful apps AND organize the troops for a shared victory. 

Since both Uranus and Pluto are retrograde, this could be a person you’ve worked with in the past (retrogrades can bring back people from prior times). If you find yourself asking “Is it worth the investment?” the answer, if this person checks all the boxes, is YES! Delegate some parts of your mission to a capable specialist, and you could accomplish twice as much in half the time while multiplying your profits. There’s no Olympic medal for doing it all yourself, Sag, especially if you burn out or bottleneck the process!

On September 22, the Sun enters Libra and your eleventh house of group activity, sounding the call for collaboration. Allow us to remind you one more time, Archer: You don’t have to do it all alone! For the next four weeks, your net worth is determined by your network more than ever. Pay special attention to the company you keep. This is a powerful time for making connections and, since the futuristic eleventh house rules technology, you could launch an online venture or viral piece of content. Get out there, Sagittarius. The world is waiting!

Flirt up a storm, Archer! With vixen Venus traveling through charming Libra and your social eleventh house, you’ll be in lively spirits this month. The planet of romance is here until September 22, so make the most of this “more the merrier” energy by hanging out with mutual friends and easing up on any lingering, heavy relationship issues. Single Sags, keep things light and hold off on fervent soulmate searches. Funny enough, loosening your grip can actually change the energy, drawing in that person when you aren’t even looking for them. 

Circle September 15 on the calendar for an extra-cute date night or social outing that gets you out of the house (not that you need an excuse for an adventure, Sagittarius!). Venus will form a harmonious trine to boisterous Jupiter, your ruler, sprinkling any event with a healthy dose of banter and fun. You could find yourself engaged in a coquettish back and forth with a sexy romantic interest—or the cute bartender you’ve had your eye on for some time. 

Beware of making rash moves, however! You’re standing in the waves of the September 17 Pisces lunar eclipse, which can shake up reality for several days before and after (what is this, a Lifetime movie?). Eclipses push us off the wishy-washy fence and force a decision. This one could bring an unplanned pregnancy, a surprise move or key exchange, or just a major outpouring of bottled-up feelings. 

Let it out, Sagittarius, but make sure you have a strong support system to lean on besides your love interest (i.e., your family and longtime friends). And don’t bring the venting to your venti latte Starbucks date. Turning your third meetup into a therapy session is probably NOT the best idea. 

You may continue feeling a bit tender after September 22, when Venus slides into Scorpio and your vulnerable, healing twelfth house. That windswept summer romance you never had? You could make up for lost time, spinning a few boudoir fantasies or quietly exploring a secret attraction. The twelfth house rules closure, so if you need to forgive an ex, mend your heart from a breakup or lovingly let go, gentle Venus is here to help. Couples can benefit from making amends and even booking a therapy session or two. 

Make your power moves, Sagittarius! The Sun is in Virgo and your ambitious tenth house until September 22, setting your career zone ablaze! A leadership position or promotion could be yours for the taking if you play your cards right. Working with a mentor or an accountability partner can help you stay on track. No matter what you do, be brutally vigilant about protecting your time. Write out your goals in detail, then display the list someplace where you will see them every day. Track your time and how much you spend on each task. 

On September 17, the Pisces partial lunar eclipse kicks off a new series that will turn the tides with home, family and career between now and February 2027—and this eclipse offers a sneak preview. For clues of what could unfold, look back to the time between March 2015 and February 2017, the last time we had eclipses in these two signs. You could have experienced changes to your living situation, work and priorities then.

What can you delegate and get off your plate, Archer? If you’ve been in the market for some extra help, September 19 to 21 offers a window of cosmic support that can magnetize the right person to your fold. The diligent Virgo Sun forms a harmonious trine (three-way planetary flow) with brilliant Uranus and intense Pluto in your work and money zones. This would also be a great time to breathe new life into old projects, launch end-of-year initiatives or revisit salary negotiations that might have previously stalled.

Tap into the power of teamwork when the Sun moves into Libra and your collaborative eleventh house for a month on September 22. Got a digital venture or group project to launch? Circle September 30, when the Sun meets up with communicative Mercury in the sign of the scales. If you’ve been flying solo for too long, this lunar lift could bring like-minded trailblazers into your sphere. 

Love Days: 22, 26

Money Days: 6, 16

Luck Days: 4, 14

Off Days: 24, 29, 12

See All Signs

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