Sagittarius, October 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope


For charismatic, moral, and curious Sagittarius: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month.

Your October forecast begins with feelings of restriction and pressure as a waning, nearly New Moon forms a challenging square with Jupiter. Your latter ruling planet typically encourages expansion, education, and exploration. But the restorative lunar phase of October 1 directly challenges these notions, instead calling for rest, recalibration, and release. Taking on new projects or responsibilities early in the month will be tempting. However, the stars suggest there will be more appropriate times later on. Patience is a practiced trait, Sagittarius, and it’s never too early or too late to work on this skill.

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The restraint you exhibit in the first few days of October will begin to pay off starting October 4. On this day, a waxing crescent forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter. The positive nature of this aspect and Jupiter’s aforementioned domain serves as a celestial green light to move forward with the plans you spent the New Moon mulling over. Remember that even with forethought on your side, this transformative process will take time. Once again testing your patience, the stars bid you forward with the caveat that you must abide by the universe’s pace. Otherwise, you’re liable to make poor decisions in your haste to get ahead.

These positive celestial cues continue into October 7. A slightly fuller waxing crescent Moon enters Sagittarius, giving your emotional side a much-needed boost of clarity. Your mental side will be taken care of the following day, October 8, when Mercury forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter. This planetary alignment is particularly potent, ushering in good fortune, improved relationships with technology, and stronger communication skills. Under the influence of these powerful celestial bodies, motivation and confidence both increase, helping you in your personal and professional endeavors.

The most notable event in your Zodiac’s forecast occurs on October 9 when Jupiter turns retrograde. This annual occurrence lasts for about four months. During that time, your ruling planet will begin shifting your goals of expansion and wisdom inward. Rather than focusing on what you can learn about the outside world or other people, the stars call you to become curious about the innermost workings of your psyche. Jupiter retrograde is a time for evaluating beliefs, faith, and personal wisdom. This period of time doesn’t necessarily disaffect external endeavors. But Jupiter retrograde does tend to put them on the backburner, if only temporarily, while you focus on this critical inner work.

Under Gemini, this year’s Jupiter retrograde keenly focuses on matters of intellect, social interactions, and versatility. Your ruling planet calls you to consider the following questions. How have your preconceptions of other people, places, or things affected the way you’ve interacted with them? In what ways have you stood in your own way of success by shutting down communication? Making your mind up too quickly? Refusing to adapt to the world around you? Retrogrades get a bad rap for their introspective nature. But that’s only because this type of self-reflection can leave us feeling vulnerable and raw. However, these planetary shifts also provide invaluable opportunities to improve, making the discomfort worth it.

The stars illuminate certain answers to these questions on October 12 as Jupiter retrograde’s sextile with Chiron reaches its strongest alignment. Chiron is a dwarf planet that governs our emotional weak spots, insecurities, fears, and sensitivities. As Chiron pulls out the skeletons in our closet, the positive (but inactive) nature of this planetary aspect serves as a salve to soothe any bruising our ego may suffer in the meantime. While this alignment doesn’t guarantee closure or even complete healing, it does indicate that your willingness to confront this pain head-on could benefit yourself, others, or both further down the road.

Just under a week later on October 17, your retrograde ruling planet’s sextile with Chiron is joined by the Full Moon. You’ll be at your most sensitive during this time, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, this increased emotional awareness can help you better work through internal conflict by highlighting problem areas. (It’s often far easier to troubleshoot problems away when the trouble is actually happening.) But on the other hand, of course, increased sensitivity can lead to rash behavior, lashing out, and self-deprecation if you’re not careful. The stars might be calling you to revisit past hurt to see how you can transform it into power. Still, they’re not inviting you to let it overwhelm you.

On October 18, Venus enters Sagittarius, bringing your daily attention to matters of the heart and/or wallet. Not long after, Venus forms a direct opposition with a waning gibbous Moon under Gemini. This tense opposition will challenge your principles and force you to entertain the very real idea that you might not be as right as you thought. Open your mind and heart to new possibilities. Moreover, don’t be afraid to reach out for help when things become overwhelming. Love and money might be intensely personal facets of life. But that doesn’t mean you’re forced to go through problems in either area alone.

This battle with Venus’ financial and emotional domain continues through the end of the month. First, on October 21, the waning gibbous Moon conjoins with Jupiter retrograde. This will encourage you to look within for ideas, behaviors, or beliefs that could be holding you back from your full potential. Now would be an ideal time to revisit budgets. Have a serious talk with an intimate partner about your expectations and desires for your relationship. Or reassess your list of priorities to see how your daily life is honoring (or, conversely, leading you away from) these values.

Your ruling planet ends the month in opposition with Venus, forcing you to rethink what you thought you once knew about your emotional and financial well-being. The sooner you can identify problem areas, the sooner you can fix them. Be sure you’re not letting your pride shy away from these realities.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Sagittarius! See you next month.

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