This Is The Kind Of 2025 You’re Going To Have, According To Your Horoscope


It might feel like only yesterday that the clocks were going forward and the promise of summer stretched before us, but 2024 has (almost) come and gone. While we might be inclined to commiserate all that this year has brought us – a breathless period for global politics, ‘Brat’ summer (RIP) which preceded our then puritanical stint of being very demure, very mindful – in its place will come 2025 with its assurance of a brand new chapter in all of our lives.

Whether you find the hurtling into a new year discombobulating or quietly exhilarating, it can provide a steady swell of assurance during periods of change. In this case, the zodiac can provide guidance as to what the new year might have in store for us, which can help us to prime ourselves to be able to give everything we’ve got to the year ahead.


As the sun sets on what has been a monumental year, aren’t you curious to know what 2025 has in store for you? Here’s a little sneak peek.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

‘Your ruling planet, Mars, is retrograde until February 23,’ says Celeste Brooks, astrologer and founder of Astrology by Celeste. ‘Retrogrades are an optical illusion when planets appear to move backwards through the zodiac. They are symbolic of delays and frustrations. Scattering your energy could lead to burnout and exhaustion by spring if you are not careful.’

But all is not lost, dear Aries. Brooks advises slowing down, avoiding multitasking and re-focusing your energy on the projects that truly require your time and dedication. ‘Between March 1 and April 12, invite inner work on romantic relationships, and pay extra attention to your health around the days of March 30 and May 24. If anything comes up, go to the doctor,’ she advises. ‘May 22 could well be a day of joy and, with moderation and intention, you may start smelling success by June 15.’


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

‘This is your money year, Taurus,’ says astrologer and astrocartographer, Helena Woods. ‘With Jupiter transiting through your second house of money, income and possessions, 2025 is a year of increasing your income, and expanding in your style, personal tastes and self-worth. Just be careful not to overdo the spending and indulgence.’

Woods, however, is clear that all of that indulgent shouldn’t come at a cost to your self-care. ‘If you’ve ever needed to reset and get clear on your values, this is the year,’ she says. ‘The North Node of increase and volume-up emphasis is moving through your house of friendships and community. So, get out there and connect with a new community.’ You never know who you might meet…

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

‘If you are ready to change or upgrade your career, then energy is available to support your endeavours,’ Brooks, who also hosts the podcast, Celestial Insights, advises. ‘An increase in your income may be on the horizon as expansive Jupiter enters your second house of income on June 9 for a year.’

Your mantra for 2025, Gemini? ‘Liberating yourself from limitations,’ Brooks says. ‘Single Geminis should say yes to all invites in July, because exciting Uranus enters your sign on July 9 for a seven-year stint. For romantically locked-down Geminis, put energy into keeping your relationship fresh to ward off boredom around this same time.’

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

2025 might not start as it means to go on for Cancerians. ‘Cancer signs will have a slower start to the year as they finish up a transit that’s calling them to focus on hibernation and solitude,’ says Fire + Alchemy astrologer, Ashleigh Skinner. ‘This has been activating a slower pace of life since May 2024, a period during which rest has been prioritised. They may have also been developing an interest in their own psyche, via alternative practices such as astrology or tarot, or some Cancers may be exploring therapy.’

All of this introspective work will come in handy during 2025. ‘This energy is preparing them for their main stage moment from June 2025, where life will get a lot busier. Jupiter moves into their first house blessing them with opportunities across all areas of their life,’ Skinner adds. ‘Luck finds them by simply being themselves, and utilising their Cancer essence of caring and looking after others.’

‘At the very start of 2025 they may feel unmotivated, or directionless. This energy is also pushing them away from the things that have become lacklustre in their lives. Aligning them with new hobbies, people, or places that will bring more fulfilment,’ she explains. ‘By the second half of the year, they may be open to new relationships, romantic and platonic. Or be deepening existing partnerships. The career is also an area of opportunity, the start of the year may redirect them to places of work that deserve their energy, and show that their work is valued.’

Leo (July 23-August 22)

There are changes ahead for Leos in the upcoming year, warns astrologer and founder of Gemini Near Me, a self-love and relationship intelligence app, Iryna Wood. ‘The karmic axis touches your eighth and second houses, signalling an improvement in your financial situation. You’ll elevate to a new level in this area,’ she says.

She expands: ‘This period brings financial influx, either directly or indirectly, such as through an increase in your partner’s or parents’ income, marriage to a successful person, or government assistance. Inheritances, financial gifts, or passive income from investments, royalties, or fees are also possible. You might take out a loan, relocate to a more prestigious place, or invest in your future.’

What could this level of prosperity mean for your year in general? ‘While this is an ideal time to strengthen your personal brand and start a business, be cautious about others seeking your attention or time. Really avoid becoming a financial or emotional donor and really try to focus on your own needs and save money,’ she states, adding, ‘therapy can help you work through any lingering fears or phobias.’

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

This is a year of real transformation for you, dear Virgo. ‘Prepare for an extensive self-examination in 2025,’ advises Brooks. ‘The releasing South Node enters your sign on January 11 for eighteen months before the March 13 lunar eclipse spotlights your vitality.’

There are several dates that she recommends preparing for. ‘Tame overworking, or you may find yourself exhausted from work by July 7,’ she says, adding that ‘it is ok to release control and delegate.’

While you may be posed with all manner of introspective questions during the beginning of 2025, September promises to be a busy month. ‘The lunar eclipse on September 7 may bring opportunities through relationships,’ she says. ‘While a new journey will begin with the first solar eclipse in your sign on September 21.’ Her words of advice to Virgos for the new year? ‘Embrace what needs to change.’

Libra (September 23-October 22)

It might not always feel like it, but everything is within your control next year, Libra. ‘The activation of your sixth and twelfth houses brings an improvement in your quality of life and finances,’ Woods says. ‘It’s time to let go of the past and any restrictions it imposed.’

While there may be changes to your responsibilities within the workplace – a promotion or shift in team dynamics may well be on the cards – this year will be fruitful. ‘For business owners, this period brings expansion, even in competitive environments. If you’re not working, you’ll still experience increased activity, focussing on self-care or family matters,’ she states.

It might not be all plain-sailing, thought. ‘It’s important to plan your days, weeks, and months, focussing on practical tasks,’ she says. ‘Selling long-held items or repaying debts is encouraged because this period is favourable for relocation or starting new ventures in a different environment.’ Whichever way the wind takes you though, remember, her parting words of advice: ‘Focus on your personal growth rather than relying on others.’ As the old adage goes, everything you need is already within you.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Are you ready to step into your year of abundance, Scorpio? ‘Abundance flows in the way of investing, passive income and joint finances this year as Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, will continue to transit through your eighth house of the stock market, investments, joint finances with a partner,’ Woods explains.

‘The North Node of emphasis and focus is now shifting from the house of work to the house of creativity, self-expression and fun,’ she says. ‘There will be a definite vibe shift by January 12 when your life becomes less focussed on daily work habits and more on the joys of life, entertainment and pleasure. This is the house of good fortunate, after all.’

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You may well be forced to reassess the structure of your daily existence throughout this year, Sagittarius. ‘The karmic axis affects your fourth and tenth houses, urging you to fight for your place in the world and reassess your achievements,’ Wood says. ‘Your main life interests will take center stage during this time. You might move to a larger home, relocate to another city or country, or acquire a second property. Travelling will bring new opportunities. You’ll also focus on home renovations, design, or dealing with finances and documents related to real estate.’

This is a good time to take care of family and settle down in one place, she says. ‘It’s ideal for starting a family, improving relationships with relatives, or getting married. Career-wise, changes are likely, including the possibility of losing interest in climbing the corporate ladder,’ she expands. ‘You may decide to shift career paths or start a business, particularly in real estate or design, where success is highly possible. This period of self-reflection will help you rediscover your worth and grow in demand.’

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

‘2025 is a year of introspection and delving into how you were molded by your formative years,’ says Brooks. ‘If you have ageing parents, you may want to discuss plans with your siblings, while extra attention on your romantic relationships will reap dividends when expansive Jupiter enters your seventh house of partnership on June 9 for a year.’

She says the stars are showing that it may well be your partner’s time to shine. ‘If so,’ she says. ‘Help them by reducing their load at home.’

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

‘What a fun year for Aquarius risings,’ Woods says. ‘Jupiter continues to transit through your house of entertainment, pleasure, hobbies and dating, making this the perfect year for romance.’

She adds: ‘With the planet of good luck moving through your house of good fortune, there is joy to be found in pursuing pleasure, fun and hobbies this year. Some Aquarius risings will find they become pregnant this year or there is more luck in their relationships with their children.’

That’s not all; there’s abundance to be found with finances too. ‘The North Node of focus is emphasising income goals, so how are you going to make money going forward?’ she probes. ‘What difficulties have you been experiencing over the last year and a half with income and what needs to change this year in regard to spending, budget, and earning income?’

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

‘Pisces are locked in for an exciting 2025 that’s upgrading their life across all areas,’ says Skinner, noting that September 2024 has ‘activated a new cycle in their personal relationships, from romantic partners to platonic, that will speed up this area of life until early 2027.’

‘Relationships have been a hard graft recently, Pisces can view others with a glass half full mentality, rose tinting their perception. Due to the Saturn transit through Pisces, this rose tint has had a full colour awakening, with some relationships dissipating,’ she says. ‘Some Pisces may have had harsh realisations about how they contribute to dysfunctional dynamics with others. This has been preparing Pisces for the fast-paced changes about to hit this zone. The personal upgrade you’ve been activating across your boundaries will align you with magical friends and partners this year, and beyond.’

As for next year, there are only good things ahead. ‘2025 starts with Jupiter in Gemini activating your living quarters, family and childhood, which has been occurring since late late May 2024,’ she says. ‘Many Pisces will be moving homes, welcoming new housemates, or spending more time with their family. In June 2025, Jupiter will move to bless your zone of creativity, dating, romance, pleasure, and children. Let the good times roll, Pisces.’

For Pisces in relationships, this may well be a year where milestones are hit. For single Pisces, expect more dating activity. ‘March will be a peak time for this, as will the second half of the year. There’s a real opportunity now to find your person, and start a serious, committed relationship,’ she adds.

However, all of this abundant energy, she warns, is ‘reliant on the system upgrades taking place to your identity, which has been – and continues to be – totally transformed since March 2023.’ Her advice to you for this year? ‘Big boundary energy – remember you attract the level you are at Pisces, so elevate and position yourself for the magical energy around you to deliver what you desire.’

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