Your Daily Horoscope, by Madame Clairevoyant: October 3, 2024


Michaela Coel, a Libra.
Photo: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

As the dust settles from yesterday’s solar eclipse, Jupiter enters the picture today to lend you some courage and optimism for the path forward. The worst thing you could do in this moment would be to make decisions out of fear. No matter how confusing or bleak the picture appears from here, trust that more possibilities are available to you than you realize. Your job now is not to give up prematurely.

Sometimes, you feel lonely even when you’re surrounded by people who care about you. What you’re yearning for in these moments isn’t love but someone who truly gets you, who can bounce ideas around with you, who sees the best parts of you. In these moments, you may tell yourself that you’re fine and that you don’t really need to be understood on a deeper level. But today, stop trying to talk yourself out of what you really want. There’s no need to settle for less: You deserve the real thing.

Even if you know perfectly well that you’re wonderful and that you deserve a happy life, this doesn’t mean others always treat you that way. Maybe they have bad intentions; maybe they’re just thoughtless. Either way, it wears on you to have your needs ignored. Sometimes, it feels necessary to grin and bear it, but today, there’s no reason to tolerate poor treatment. Prioritize the people who treat you like you matter. The rest aren’t worthy of your time.

Most of the time, your keen eye for detail serves you well, helping you to catch potential problems early on and to notice opportunities others don’t. Sometimes, though, you end up paying too much attention to the small stuff and stress yourself out over issues that aren’t important. Today, remember you don’t need to have solutions ready for every eventuality. Have faith that you can handle whatever problems you encounter and you’re likely to find that it’s true.

Today you may feel pressure — whether from others or yourself — to take action on the emotions that have been swirling around inside you. You’re sick of brooding and yearning; you want to do something. But it’s important not to rush yourself unnecessarily. If you’re not completely sure what your next step should be, consider that it’s not yet time to take one. Take it slow and let yourself dream without worrying about the practical implications. Once you stop trying to force yourself to get moving, a clear path may present itself.

With your warmth and generosity, you’re great at charming people and bringing them around to your side. Your friendship makes the world seem exciting and full of possibilities; when you believe in people, it makes it easier for them to believe in themselves. So today, if you find yourself in need of a boost, turn to the people around you. It can feel difficult to be the one to ask for help rather than offer it, but try anyway. You may be surprised at how many people rush to support you.

You’re not necessarily a rule follower by nature, but even so, you can often see the value in doing things the way they’re “supposed” to be done. Sometimes, doing what’s expected of you prevents conflict in your personal relationships; at other times, it simply saves you the work of having to reinvent the wheel. Today, though, you may find that sticking to tradition only leaves you feeling trapped. Being bold enough to break with convention may be the only way to find the satisfaction you’ve been seeking.

Lately, you’re not necessarily focused on expanding your life; it’s enough work to maintain what you have. Bold moves carry risk, and lately it may — understandably! — seem unwise to take any unnecessary gambles. But today, remember growth doesn’t have to be dramatic. You can stand your ground today in situations where you might normally shrink back, ask questions where you may normally just accept the way things are. The small moments of bravery will eventually add up.

It can feel as if you’re spending your whole life ruminating over the same few questions, picking at the same scabs, learning from the same mistakes again and again. In part, it’s true: It takes time and repetition for most lessons to sink in, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you’ve been mulling over a particular problem lately or dwelling on a seemingly unanswerable question about your life, you could finally experience a breakthrough today. Things you’ve known intellectually could finally sink in, in a way you can feel.

There’s a part of you that imagines you should be totally self-sufficient. When you come to a crossroads, you know it’s up to you to choose a path; though you may struggle to know exactly what you want in life, you also understand that nobody else can figure it out for you. Just remember today that this doesn’t mean you can’t lean on anyone. Tell your friends what problems you’re facing, what you’re yearning for, what you’re torn about. They can’t do all the work for you, but they can help.

When your mind is on your long-term goals, it’s easy to get impatient. Building a solid foundation is crucial, but it won’t immediately produce the praise and glory you dream of. Today, the key is to keep it slow and trust that even the smallest steps are leading somewhere important. Don’t try to skip over the boring parts; the best thing you can do now is to find joy in the process.

Your strong personal code of ethics is one of the best things about you: It helps you to make strong decisions in line with your values and to avoid being swayed by passing moods or short-lived trends. Sometimes, though, this makes you hard on other people — and even harder on yourself. When you’re too worried about stepping out of line, it becomes impossible to explore and make mistakes, impossible to fully live. Take a risk today, try something new creatively, put your heart on the line. If it doesn’t work out, you’ll have the opportunity to fix it.

You tend to be good at picking up on people’s unspoken moods and desires no matter how hard they try to hide them. But even you aren’t a mind reader; you can’t know for sure what’s going on in another person’s head unless they tell you. Today, you’re likely to get anxious if you sense there’s a secret or problem someone’s not telling you about, but trying to extrapolate based on limited information will make you feel only worse. It’s much better to ask — even if you’re afraid of the answer you might get — than wonder.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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