RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — With just over 2 million in North Carolina forecast to take Thanksgiving road trips, Sunday is predicted to be the worst for return traffic during the holiday.
AAA Carolinas predicted 2.2 million North Carolinians would travel over the holiday — with 2 million taking road trips longer than 50 miles, an increase of 5,000 travelers from last year.
With Monday a workday for many, Sunday is known as the busiest travel day and Inrix, a leading traffic forecasting company, ranks noon to 6 p.m. as the heaviest for Sunday after Thanksgiving.
In North Carolina, about 270 roads are still closed in the mountains from Hurricane Helene damage.
Elsewhere, several crashes were reported on Sunday — the worst so far on Interstate 95 southbound in Cumberland County. A wreck there around 2:35 p.m. closed at least two southbound lanes along a newly opened stretch.
Congestion along I-85 at the Durham-Orange county line on Sunday. NCDOT image
The right lanes were closed two miles after Exit 71, which is Long Branch Road. The NCDOT said the area reopened around 3:35 p.m.
Earlier in the afternoon, a wreck in the same area closed lanes headed north in Harnett County, according to the NCDOT.
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