Weekly Horoscope: October 20-26


With all four outer planets flying in retrograde, the stars are forcing our attention inward on big concepts and ideas: truth, freedom, individuality, education, and discipline. Retrogrades naturally bring about conflict as we confront elements of our lives that are unsavory or need improvement. However, this potent celestial period offers an invaluable opportunity to reflect, better ourselves, and grow.

This week, two particularly powerful alignments lock into place. The first is a trine between Saturn retrograde and Mercury under Pisces and Scorpio, a water-dominated alignment that will boost motivation to adapt, feel, and plan. The second occurs closer to the weekend. A direct opposition between Mars and Pluto highlights things we must do or let go of in order to enjoy the rewards of personal transformation.

How will your sign fare this week?

Aries: March 21 – April 19

A last-quarter Moon flies in conjunction with your ruling planet, Mars, under Cancer just as the red planet locks into direct opposition to Pluto under Capricorn. This waning lunar phase highlights people, ideas, or obligations you ought to let go of so you can move forward properly. While this could be a literal goodbye, it could also be something less finite like establishing and enforcing clear boundaries.

The opposition between Mars and Pluto is a potent one, Aries. Mars governs action, assertion, and energy. Pluto governs transformation and the subconscious. Under the influence of an alignment like this, the stars offer a not-so-subtle reminder of how easy it is for us to stand in the way of our own life paths.

Aries monthly horoscope

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Taurus glyphs  weekly horoscope

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

Last week’s opposition between your ruling planet, Venus, and Uranus retrograde fades this week, alleviating internal conflict as decisions are finally made and new directions are finally set. However, the hard work isn’t necessarily over—only the introspective tug-of-war. Now, you must proceed with the reality you set for yourself last week, and that can mean abandoning certain parts of yourself in the process.

Indeed, the stars indicate you’ll need to leave some elements of yourself behind before you can evolve to a more emotionally stable and mature mindset. This is a difficult process, Taurus, exacerbated by your ruling planet’s square with discipline-minded Saturn. However, a trine between Venus and the waning crescent Moon gently keeps you on course as you move forward.

Taurus monthly horoscope

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Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Your ruling planet, Mercury, starts the week in a harmonious trine with Saturn retrograde under Scorpio and Pisces, respectively. This alignment shifts focus to daily routines and habits. Under the disciplinarian attitude of Saturn retrograde, the stars urge you to consider parts of your day—whether internal or external—that are negatively affecting your emotional well-being and development.

Luckily, Mercury and Saturn make a great cosmic pair. Saturn’s all about hard work, and Mercury’s forte is figuring out how to best get that work done. Jupiter retrograde’s ongoing flight through your sign increases the possibility of new beliefs or ideas. What worked for you in the past might not work now. There is grief in that process, but there’s also reward, Gemini.

Gemini monthly horoscope

Cancer glyph  weekly horoscope

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Your ruling celestial body flies through your Zodiac constellation’s domain as it cycles through its waning phases of gibbous and last-quarter. This second half of the lunar lifespan promotes reflection, assessment, and risk management. What did the events of last week show you on an emotional and mental level? If areas need improvement, now is the time to collect that data.

This will prove to be the easiest toward the end of the week when a last-quarter Moon flies in conjunction with Mars under your sign. As Mars nears its opposition to Pluto, transformations begin to take hold. Allow Mars’ assertive energy to put action behind your emotional revelations, Cancer. A little fire goes a long way for a water sign like you.

Cancer monthly horoscope

Leo glyph  weekly horoscope

Leo: July 23 – August 22

The Sun begins to cross into Scorpio territory as your ruling celestial body clings to the final days of its opposition to Eris and Chiron retrograde under Aries. These latter dwarf planets can dredge up feelings of resentment and spite as they bring past hurt and grudges to the forefront of your subconscious. Because of this, the Sun’s transition into Scorpio becomes a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, Scorpio has a keen eye for power flow and a sharp perception of others. Leaning into these negative feelings can help identify potential problem areas within yourself. On the other hand, Scorpio can be ruthless and cold. Pain is not forever, Leo. You mustn’t let this discomfort snuff your flame.

Leo monthly horoscope

Virgo glyph  weekly horoscope

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

The cosmos offer an excellent boost of celestial energy that’s right up your alley early in the week as your ruling planet, Mercury, forms a harmonious trine with Saturn retrograde. Last week, your ruling planet was in a square with this planet, inviting conflict and strife as you navigated difficult decisions or obligations. This week, the tension eases, pathways become clearer, and your desire to explore grows.

Another helpful push in the right direction comes midweek when a waning gibbous Moon forms a trine with your ruling planet under Cancer and Scorpio. Two water-dominated signs, they signal a growing need for flexibility and trusting in the process before you see it to fruition. Work on going with the flow, Virgo.

Virgo monthly horoscope

Libra glyph  weekly horoscope

Libra: September 23 – October 22

The opposition between your ruling planet, Venus, and Uranus retrograde wanes this week, reducing feelings of internal conflict and discord. However, don’t get too comfortable just yet. Your forecast includes two opposing alignments that potentially indicate a need to reassess who you’ve chosen to keep in your innermost circle: a Venus-waning crescent Moon trine and a Venus-Saturn retrograde square.

The former aspect under Sagittarius and Leo highlights the need and increases motivation for establishing firm boundaries with the people in our community. The latter indicates there is hard work to be done in areas of love or finances—considering the former, it’s likely that love is the main player here. Keeping the peace externally can create internal turmoil if you’re not careful, Libra.

Libra monthly horoscope

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Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

You begin the week with a harmonious trine between Mercury and Saturn retrograde taking place under your celestial domain and Pisces. Motivation to pursue difficult but necessary obligations and responsibilities will increase. Use this energy wisely while it’s here. Under the influence of this potent alignment, this is an excellent time to pursue professional goals and make worthwhile investments.

Keeping a close watch on your internal state can make this process more manageable. If something feels right, then you can proceed forward without hesitation. But if something feels off, now is when you should address it. Fortunately, emotional clarity heightens midweek as a waning gibbous Moon forms a trine with Mercury under Cancer and your sign. Listen to your gut, Scorpio.

Scorpio monthly horoscope

Sagittarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

The fortuitous trine between the Sun and your ruling planet, Jupiter, is quickly waning this week. But that doesn’t necessarily mean your cosmic good fortune is depleted, Sagittarius. A potent conjunction between a waning gibbous Moon and your retrograde ruling planet is the first notable alignment in your forecast this week, increasing your receptiveness to make room for new ideas, beliefs, and values.

Jupiter maintains a favorable, albeit inactive, sextile with Chiron and Eris retrograde this week. As these dwarf planets fly under fiery Aries, they have the potential to increase feelings of resentment or indignation. Lean into these feelings without acting on them. Taking a closer look at the unsavory sides of ourselves is often the first step toward personal transformation.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope

Capricorn glyph  weekly horoscope

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

It is virtually impossible to fix a problem if you don’t know what it is, Capricorn. Rather than exhausting yourself trying to take action with no direction, stop and think about what you’re doing for a second. As Mercury and Saturn retrograde form a harmonious trine early in the week under Scorpio and Pisces, the stars offer greater insights into what we need to feel mentally and emotionally fulfilled.

This idea is further emphasized by a direct opposition between the waning gibbous Moon and Ceres under Cancer and your sign. The shrinking lunar phase invites a managerial approach to daily life, viewing hang-ups and their more positive counterparts objectively. Deciding what’s best for you shouldn’t be the exception; it should be the norm.

Capricorn monthly horoscope

Aquarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Sometimes, the universe presents you with a problem not to fix but to learn from it. As your ruling planet Uranus retrograde, locks into a positive sextile with a Mars-last-quarter Moon conjunction midweek, the stars indicate that you’re experiencing this type of lesson right now. Try to resist the urge to take a hands-on approach to this problem, Aquarius. Chances are it will only make tensions worse.

Last week’s opposition between Uranus and Venus created significant internal strife. While this alignment will wane completely by the end of the week, this doesn’t necessarily mean the work does, too. Adjusting to this new reality will take time. This isn’t a process you can rush, as much as you might like to.

Aquarius monthly horoscope

Pisces glyph weekly horoscope

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Your most notable celestial alignment occurs midweek when your ruling planet, Neptune retrograde, forms a harmonious trine with a conjunction between a last-quarter Moon and Mars. Both your ruling planet and the conjunction take place under water signs, increasing sensitivity and intuition, which already come naturally to you. Your emotions are trying to tell you something. Now, it’s time that you listen.

While this is happening, Neptune remains in sextile with Pluto under Capricorn. Pluto’s powerful influence over a homebody, hard-working sign like Capricorn promises great transformation within our home life and closest, often familial, relationships. Crucial life elements like these deserve respect, not dismissal. Indeed, it’s time to put an end to this “sweep it under the rug” technique, Pisces.

Pisces monthly horoscope

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