Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: October 23, 2024


Ciara, a Scorpio.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

On the first full day of Scorpio season, the moon moves through nurturing Cancer, inviting you to pay attention to your emotions and reflect on what would make you feel truly secure and loved. But don’t stop at simply thinking about what you need — especially in the early evening, as the moon aligns with assertive Mars, muster up your courage to take action, too. Later at night, dreamy Neptune enters the picture to strengthen your intuition. Pay attention to your instincts now — they’re probably more accurate than you realize.

Today, you might want more privacy than usual. You need time to process your feelings on your own, without worrying about everyone around you. So keep some of your thoughts to yourself, even if it goes against your instincts. It’ll give you some much-needed time and space to think — and it might give you an appealing aura of mystery, too. Even if you’re an open book most of the time, there’s something to be said for holding some of yourself back.

You might notice yourself having intense reactions to new people today. You could be powerfully attracted to someone you meet now, or you could experience an inexplicable aversion. Either way, pay attention, even if your friends don’t quite get it. Trust your gut — maybe you can’t rationally explain why you feel the way you do, but there’s something real there. At the same time, don’t rush into action: As valuable as your instincts are, you’ll still benefit from thinking through your next steps carefully.

You understand that there’s no “right” way to be human: Everyone is different, with needs and desires that don’t always align. Today, you could use a reminder that people — including you — sometimes contradict themselves from day to day, even from hour to hour. Something you wanted desperately yesterday could leave you cold today; a person you used to find boring might seem more appealing. When you change your mind, it doesn’t mean you’re waffling or betraying your “real” self, it just means you’re adapting or evolving or growing up.

In general, you know how to be patient, and there’s power in your willingness to wait. Some things take a long time to come to fruition, and you’re not one to give up easily. Today, though, you might have a harder time waiting around than usual. You want everything, and you want it now. Part of you might find this sudden burst of passion stressful — but instead of trying to quell it, harness it. Stop waiting around for a vague, unspecified “later,” and take action to create the kind of life that you want now.

Maybe you’ve been working too hard lately, or you’ve been overbooked socially, or you’ve been spending every free moment catering to others. Whatever the reason, you’re likely to feel drained or irritable now if you haven’t had enough time to yourself. Today, try to spend some time alone. That might be easier said than done, but even if you have to cancel plans, leave events early, or let some other tasks go un-done, you probably won’t regret it. If only for a short time, it’ll allow you to stop worrying about everyone else, and focus on what you want.

You understand that close relationships don’t just happen — they take effort and intention. So you work hard at being a good friend. You ask people questions about themselves, you show up when they’re in need, you notice their quirks and preferences. And all of this is wonderful, but at a certain point, your friendships can come to seem like just another obligation. So today, trust that the people in your life will still love you even if you take a break from working quite so hard. Remember what it’s like simply to enjoy each other’s company.

You’re probably not somebody to break the rules just for the sake of it — but you’re also not a person who will meekly obey rules you find unfair. It’s important to you that you stick to your own ethical code, regardless of what anyone in authority says. Sometimes, though, it gets exhausting to go your own way, and you find yourself doing what you’re “supposed” to, just because it’s easier. Today, check in with yourself and make sure you’re satisfied with the path you’re on. If you’re not, a little bit of rebelliousness on your part could get you back on the right track.

You try to keep your goals realistic. There are plenty of things you’d love to do in an ideal world, but we live in this world, and you don’t want to waste your time working toward dreams that have virtually no chance of being realized. Sometimes, though, it isn’t the world or society or other people that hold you back — it’s your own misconceptions about what’s possible. Today, have a little more faith in yourself. Lots of people have tried amazing, seemingly impossible things. Some didn’t succeed, but some did. Why shouldn’t you give it a try?

You have the feeling, lately, that something’s missing from your life. Maybe you’re yearning for greater depth and intimacy in your relationships, maybe your professional life seems to lack meaning. Today, it might be easy to blame everyone around you for not doing enough to help, or not being exactly what you need, but try to go easy on them. They’re all just muddling through the best they can, just like you are. It’s not their job to make your life fulfilling, but if you try to be patient with them, you can find your way together.

Most of the time, you’re good at reading people. You can gauge their wants and values, and you’re good at predicting how they’ll behave in any given situation. It’s rare that anyone truly surprises you, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. Today, don’t be naïve about people — some of them will always disappoint you — but if you leave the door open for them to rise to the occasion, some will. If you give others a chance to surprise you for the better, at least a few of them will always take it.

It can be hard for you to start working toward a goal until you have the entire process planned out in your head. If you can’t visualize how a decision will reverberate ten years from now, it seems safer not to make it at all. But it’s not always possible to reason your way through every dilemma. Remember that you have at your disposal other tools, too: Emotion, and maybe more importantly, action. Sometimes, all you can do is start moving, and trust that with each step you take, the next one will become clearer.

It might be challenging to figure out where to direct your energy today. You’re highly aware of all the pain and suffering in the world, of all the formidable problems demanding our collective attention — but you’re only one person, and it seems impossible that anything you could do would matter much, anyway. Ultimately, though, what matters today is that you do something. Inaction will make you feel trapped and vaguely ashamed of yourself, but taking any step, no matter how small or silly it seems, can help you to find your way forward.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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