Your Love Horoscope for the Week Sees Incoming Drama, I Fear


What’s happening: The Moon is in flamboyant Leo tonight, and tomorrow morning it slides into serious Virgo. On Monday, there are two big transits with the love planets, Venus and Mars. First, Mars is harmonizing with dreamy Neptune, making the physical side of your relationship more intense, emotional, and intimate. At the same time, Venus is squaring off with strict Saturn, which is a major astrological red flag for relationship difficulties, as well as an indicator that there’s work to be done in your love life.

The Moon enters lovely Libra late Monday evening/early Tuesday morning, depending on your time zone. On Wednesday, Mercury is opposite radical Uranus, suggesting that you’re receiving some surprise information—whether it’s a good surprise or bad surprise is TBD—and need to talk things out with your partner. Mercury harmonizes with Neptune on Thursday, creating a romantic atmosphere. Finally, later that afternoon, the Moon enters Scorpio, giving a more intimate vibe to the end of the week.

What that means for *you*:


It’s a phenomenal night to get more adventurous in your love life. That could mean getting kinky in bed, taking your boo to a brand-new place for date night, or linking up with someone who isn’t your usual type. Whatever you do, make sure to spice things up! Venus square Saturn on Monday suggests that you’re corresponding with an ex, so if an old lover comes your way, don’t be surprised. The Moon in Libra on Tuesday helps you be more congenial and cooperative, so even if your ex is here to start a fight or act shady, you’re able to talk it out and amicably part ways.


Tonight is slow and probably a bit of a bummer, but there’s tons of action in your chart this weekend and at the beginning of the week. This weekend, the Virgo Moon activates your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun. You’re more open to loving others and you’re craving affection, too. Getting romantic (or having some fun in bed) is the best way to use this astro. If you’re single, it’s a great time to connect with a new potential paramour. Here’s the catch: Venus squares Saturn at the top of the week, which means rejection is a big possibility. If you shoot your shot and the other person says “no,” don’t lose hope—just move on to the next person! You might have to kiss a few frogs, but the electrifying, romantic astro towards the end of the week suggests that you’ll (eventually) run into Prince/ss/x Charming soon.


Sorry, but it looks like they’re just not interested. This is absolutely not the weekend for asking someone out or starting the “What are we?” conversation. Venus square Saturn on Monday is a transit that all but guarantees rejection, so if you’re thinking about shooting your shot, I say wait ‘til the Moon enters Libra on Tuesday. If you do decide to start that DTR conversation and things don’t go as planned, don’t stress. Odds are, it’s not a straight up “no.” They’re probably just saying, “Not right now.”


Your weekend starts off slow, but when the Moon enters Virgo, things pick up the pace. This activates your chart’s communication zone, so if you’re single and ready to mingle, it’s a great time to start swiping through your dating apps. You’re feeling confident and ready to put yourself out there right now, thanks to Mars (which is also responsible for your sky-high sex drive right now), but you’re so eager that you’re losing your sense of tact. If someone’s not feeling you, you’re not keen on taking “no” for an answer. Remember, it’s never okay to push someone’s boundaries, so you need to move on to the next person. You’ll find some fun by the end of the week.


There’s potential for romance tonight, thanks to the Moon in your sign. This helps you open up your heart, making it easier for you to show love to others and receive love from them in return. You’re feeling very emotional. Mars in Cancer could potentially bring an ex around this week, and their intentions are likely to be bad. If you ended things on good terms, you don’t have much to worry about. But if this person has been in any way a manipulator, a player, or a liar, use this astro as an opportunity to kick ‘em to the curb and move on for good.


You’re having a slow night and the Leo Moon is really bringing down your vibe. However, things start to pick up after the Moon moves into your sign on Saturday. This helps you access your emotions (something that you earth signs aren’t the best at) and ups the potential for romance. Monday finds you feeling optimistic about your love life, and you’re eager to take the next step with your partner. The thing is, Venus square Saturn is a major sign of rejection, and you’re not likely to get what you want. When you get that “no,” you’re likely to get pretty pissed off. And when you Virgos get mad, you are masters at sarcasm and passive-aggression. That’s not productive! Instead, wait until the end of the week, when the astro is more gentle. You’re more likely to get the answer you want. Even if you don’t, it won’t feel nearly as catastrophic.


If you’re single and ready to mingle, the social Leo Moon tonight is amping up your charisma, making it an amazing time to find someone new! The Virgo Moon for the rest of the weekend, however, means that you’re not getting much action. Avoid any important conversations with your crush/boo this week. Saturn’s tough influence is saying that you’re likely to get rejected. Even if you aren’t, your partner just isn’t listening right now. I’m not saying that your boo is going to temporarily become a piece of shit! They could be distracted with work, stress, or just doing their own thing for a little bit. Instead of getting anxious, clinging to them, and trying even harder to connect, take some time to do your own thing this week, too. You’re not taking a break from your partner—at all—but you’re learning about boundaries and giving your partner a healthy amount of space if/when they need it.


You’re definitely getting some action, Scorpio! The Virgo Moon this weekend has über social energy, so all you single Scorpios are having an easy time meeting new potential paramours. Mars is mingling with Neptune on Monday, amping up your desire for romance, skyrocketing your sex drive, and filling your heart with love that you desperately need to share. If you’re already boo’d up, this makes for an amazing time with your partner, both in and out of bed. If you’re single, however, your feelings may start to skew towards loneliness, to the point that you’ll settle for anyone. Know your worth, Scorpio, and don’t waste your time with shallow connections.


It feels like your love life is on display right now and you want to share your love with the world. If things between you and your boo are going well, everyone knows it. If things between you and your partner aren’t so hot, people are taking notice. There’s nothing wrong with proclaiming your love for someone, publicly claiming your partner, and showing how happy you are with them (if you’re actually happy with them). But you know those people who are in really shitty relationships but post 300 times a day about how much they love their partner? Yeah, you run the risk of being that person right now, and people are seeing right through it. Pay attention to how you talk about your partner to others vs. how your partner actually is. If you find yourself omitting information, breezing over anything negative, and trying to make them sound better than they actually are, that’s a sign that your partner probably isn’t that spectacular. Address it.


The astro-weather at the start of the week makes you feel more compassionate than ever, and it has amazing potential for your love life. Romance is deeper and way more meaningful. Connecting emotionally is easier than ever, and you’re eager to show love to others. In the bedroom, sex is less fast-and-hot and more intense, intimate, and erotic, helping you feel truly entangled with your partner. The Uranian astro on Wednesday is great for single Capricorns because it suggests major, surprise interactions with someone new in direct relation to your love life. Whether it’s just a quick hookup or a potential LTR, you can bet on having an amazing time.


Tonight is a great time to go on a date! The Leo Moon is lighting up your chart’s relationships zone, so whether it’s a first date, a hookup, or an evening with your boo, any time with another person right now is time well spent. The rest of the week isn’t very relationship-focused, so take advantage of tonight’s astro. Venus squares off with Saturn on Monday, and this is a toughie. There’s someone who just won’t stop pushing your boundaries. It could be a creep who insists on shooting their shot over and over. It could be an ex, begging you to get back with them. It might, unfortunately, even be your current partner, trying to get you to try something you’re not completely comfortable with. I’m not saying you need to start a fight or cause a scene (although those could potentially be options), but you need to stand in your power and make the other person understand that “no” means “NO!”


There’s not much to report tonight, but when the Moon enters Virgo on Saturday, your chart’s relationships zone gets turned on and you’re much more likely to get some action. Sex is really, really good right now—like, tremendously good—thanks to Mars, and Neptune’s influence is making you emotional and eager for romance. I don’t care who you’re taking to bed, you’re about to show them an amazing time! Unfortunately, there’s a catch. If you’re single, you’re able to benefit from this astro-weather, but you run the risk of catching major feelings (like, oh my god, you might be my soulmate kinds of feelings) for the person you hook up with, even if they make it clear that it’s a casual situation.

Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan’s weekly Sexoscopes. He lives in southeastern North Carolina and loves making astrology content. Follow his IG or Twitter @jakesastrology, and to book a reading, go to

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