Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: October 22, 2024


Cardi B, a Libra.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

In the morning, the sun — moving through the final degrees of Libra — squares off with Pluto, potentially causing you to butt heads with people around you. The key is to meet any conflict head-on. Avoidance and passive-aggressiveness will drag the problem out, but communication and assertiveness could prove transformative. Then in the evening, the sun leaves Libra and enters Scorpio. Casual relationships and lukewarm feelings are no longer enough for you: What you need now is passion and intensity — the real thing.

You do your best to treat people well — life is hard enough right now, and you want to lighten others’ load where you can. Sometimes, though, you forget that not everyone needs the same things you do. People are different, and the things a person needs today might be different from what they needed yesterday. So make a point of asking, not assuming, what kind of support your friends could use. And if you need something you’re not getting, remember that you’re allowed to say so, too.

When you look at the grand arc of your life, it can seem impossible that you’ll ever get what you want. The finish line seems so distant, and you can hardly begin to imagine the steps it’ll take for you to get there. So today, stop worrying about the big picture. You don’t need to have a plan from the outset, and you don’t need to be an expert on what it takes to reach your goals. Each step you take will lead to the next; the path will become clearer as you travel it.

Normally, you try not to compare yourself to the people around you — you know that it’ll only make you feel inadequate. But today, you might notice envy creeping in. Everybody else seems happier, seems to have more than you. Pay attention to who and what you envy; it might point to a desire you haven’t fully acknowledged in yourself. At the same time, be careful not to let the feeling spur you to action you’ll regret — jealousy can wreak havoc on even the strongest relationships, especially right now.

The more disconnected you feel from the world or community around you, the more you yearn for a sense of belonging. You treasure your independence, but at the same time, you want to fit in. And today, you might feel pressure to change yourself. Try to resist it — being part of the group isn’t worth it if you have to give up the things that make you you. If you stand firm, you’ll eventually attract the people who can appreciate you for who you are.

You want to have at least some control over your life. You recognize that you can’t force others to behave the way you want them to, but you at least want a sense of power over your own schedule. Today, though, even that might feel out of reach: There’s too much on your plate, and other people keep disrupting your plans. Instead of clinging to a sense of the way things are “supposed” to be, loosen your grip. At least for now, the best way to be happy is to be willing to let some things go.

Most of the time, you’re good at staying disciplined. If you’ve set a schedule for yourself, you stick to it; if you’ve determined the right course of action, you’re unlikely to deviate on a whim. Sometimes, though, this means that you act with more restraint than you need to. There are times when it’s useful to be impulsive, to go overboard, to do more than you’d planned. You can’t know what your limits are until you go all-in — even if you decide to pull back later on, what you learn will be worth it.

Speaking up can sometimes cause more problems than it’s worth. You’d rather keep your more confrontational ideas to yourself, if the alternative is starting arguments and creating messes you’ll have to clean up. But when everyone’s stuck in a rut or the status quo isn’t working, causing trouble isn’t a bad thing. Today, try to assert yourself even — maybe especially — when you suspect it might lead to conflict. That doesn’t mean you should stir up drama just for its own sake, but a little honesty could be exactly what everybody needs.

Lately, you might be frustrated by the direction your life is moving in. Maybe things aren’t going the way you thought they would, or maybe you’re just bored. It’s easy to imagine that you’re stuck, that all you can do is ride this phase out. But today, remember that endings and beginnings are happening all the time — and more importantly, you can create them if you need. If you need a frustrating chapter of your life to end, you can bring it to a close. If you need a fresh start, all you have to do is embark on one.

You try not to limit your dreams to what seems practical or easily attained — if you did, you’d never accomplish anything interesting, or even have any fun. But working toward huge, utopian ideals can get frustrating: It hurts to work hard but feel like you’re getting nowhere. The more ambitious your ultimate goal is, the more you need little victories along the way. Today, you could use a win, no matter how small — so set yourself a goal you know you can achieve, and get it done.

You’re driven and hard to intimidate — but that doesn’t mean you’re not scared of anything. Even you have moments when your confidence dips, especially when plans don’t seem to be working out the way you hoped. You might wonder whether it would be easier to give up on your big ambitions and settle for a smaller, simpler life. But for now, at least, keep at it. You’re strong enough to overcome whatever conflicts or difficulties come your way today, and in doing so, you’ll be changed for the better.

There’s a part of you that’s longing for a bigger life than the one you’re currently living. The trouble is that there’s another side of you that simply wants to be left in peace. As much as you want thrills and adventure, you recognize that they tend to bring risk and uncertainty with them, and it’s easy to find yourself bouncing back and forth between excitement (and the accompanying stress) and stability (and the subsequent boredom). It’s hard to strike a balance, but today, try to work toward one that can work for you in the long run.

In general, you try to trust other people: You understand that nobody’s perfect, but you also believe that, for the most part, they’re doing their best and they deserve the benefit of the doubt. Today, though, don’t be too eager to take people at face value. It isn’t necessarily that they’re being dishonest with you, only that there’s more to any story than first meets the eye. Take your time to make up your mind about people; rushing into things will only end up causing problems for everyone.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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